So close…

Yet so far away… Does anyone else ever get that feeling like you’re so close to achieving a goal but when you step back & look at what you have left to do, you’re just slightly overwhelmed? That’s me right now. We are this close (if you could see me you would see my thumb & pointer finger about a millimeter apart) to having enough money saved to schedule our home study & start the process with American Adoptions. And this is wonderful because we are way ahead of our initial schedule. It’s when I think about what we have left to save/raise that I become a little anxious.

We’ve been blessed so far by our wonderful friends & family, for which we are so grateful. My Tastefully Simple business venture is going well & our budgeting is mostly working out. But when I look at how much farther we have to go, the annoying little worry wart hiding in my head has me thinking that we’re not doing enough. She’s telling me that I should be doing more for my new business & that our budgeting could be better…

Thankfully, the Lord saw fit to match me with a wonderful man who can lovingly put that worry wart in her place. He reminds me often that this process is not under my control, no matter how much I might want it to be. He also reminds me that things work out infinitely better when I trust in God to handle the details. So I’m going to do my best to focus on what the Lord has accomplished for us so far.

Like I said earlier, we are this close to being able to really get the ball rolling! YAY! We hope to be able to schedule our home study towards the end of May. We’re planning a ginormous ( says that is a real word) yard sale for April and have a few other ideas for fundraisers. We had a wonderful, if slightly chilly, time last Saturday with Carrie Gilliam, taking pictures for our Adoptive Parent profile book. And by we I mean me & Carrie, Nick pretty much just stood where we told him. We’ll post a few of them along with a link to Carrie’s blog as soon as they’re available. Carrie has graciously donated several photo sessions & all the trappings to our cause, which we’ll be auctioning off very soon!

All in all, by God’s grace, we have made great headway towards being able to bring our kiddo home. I know we still have a long way to go, but with the continued support of our family & friends I’m certain we’ll be there before we know it. Keep sending prayers our way & stay tuned for more updates!

Testing, Testing…

My first blog post!! What what!

Nick & I have determined that I am NOT a blogger. Despite that shortcoming, we’ve decided the best way to keep everyone up to date & involved in our adoption journey is to blog it! As you can see, our site is still under construction but we want to get a following started as soon as possible. We’ll be using this site to announce news on the adoption, do some fundraising & probably to do a little stress management through prayer requests. Please, please, please share this with everyone you know. The more people we have praying for our kiddo (and us!) the better!

More updates coming soon!
