Second times a charm…

A couple of weeks ago when I first wrote this blog post, only to have it disappear when I tried to save it, I spent some time talking about how we can attest to the fact that God puts people in our lives to help guide us on the path He has for us. In the abbreviated version (lots of updates today), through the Grubb small group we’ve met so many people that have helped us on our family growing journey. While we were struggling through fertility treatments we had the help & love of the Munoz family. They were able to sympathize with us as they had already experienced that journey. Also during that time we began our friendship with the Riddles, who have a huge heart for adoption & orphan care. While we were navigating the world of meds & doctors visits, the Riddles were busy growing their family with 2 beautiful little girls, one from Guatemala and one from here in NC. Their positive example, & other adoptive families we’ve met through them and our small group, have been the biggest encouragement to us. And I feel like this has been God’s plan all along, to open our hearts to adoption through others’ examples. I included this in today’s update because not only is it beautiful & encouraging to contemplate, but also because we randomly ran into the Munoz’s and their 5 kids (yep! 5!!!), who we hadn’t seen in several years, last weekend! It’s beautiful to see how God has blessed their family!

Now for the updates! Since the last post I have gone back to work & Nick has started a new job. This new job for Nick has to be God’s providence because he was not actively looking for a new position. However, this new company was too tempting not to investigate. Nick now works as a manager in the IT department for The Body Shop. And I say this is providence because this company is well know for their employee benefits, including adoption assistance! We may or may not be able to use those benefits for this adoption (have to be employed for a year) however it certainly looks good for the next one! 

We’ve also decided to put our house on the market. We hope to be able to sell quickly so that we can be in our new place before our home study is scheduled. We are hopefully headed back out to Franklin county so we can be closer to family. 

Most importantly, we have started our preliminary application for Christian Adoption Services (all 14 pages of it!) and we are headed to Matthew, NC on Friday for an Information Session with their agency! So yay!!! We’ve finally started. We would appreciate prayers for our travels & for wisdom for our answers to these really in depth questions. We decided to switch to CAS for a number of reasons but we are super excited to finally get this ball rolling!

Between returning to work, changing jobs, booting roommates, getting the house ready to list, small group, softball, cornhole board construction, and adoption paperwork it’s been a busy busy time at the Brezinski house. But we’re working on our next fund raiser. Just a little coordination left with Carrie Gilliam and we’ll be ready to raffle off a photo session (or 2 if we have enough interest). So stay tuned!!